April Showers Bring May Flowers

Happy Spring! Now is the time to plant those seeds of your growth and water them! What do I mean?…...
April 1, 2022

Happy Spring! Now is the time to plant those seeds of your growth and water them! What do I
mean? I mean, now is the perfect time to; write and burn goodbye letters to your abuser, get
all of the books I have recommended over the years and start reading/working them, get a
damn good trauma therapist, go low or no contact with abusive or toxic people, do things that
you have always wanted to do, but your abuser would never allow like taking a class or doing a
hobby, let yourself to do self-care as in make that dental appointment, get that physical, see
the dermatologist, take that dance class you always wanted to take, reconnect with the family
and friends that genuinely love you, plan a trip, go where you always wanted to go, see what
you always wanted to see, try new foods, learn a new language, practice mirror work daily
(twice a day), meditate, do yoga, go for long walks, join a gym, go to a meetup, go hiking, get
back in touch with your body, drink plenty of water daily, eat healthy foods but allow yourself
cheat meals every so often, make sure to have days where you do absolutely nothing but binge
watch your favorite show, go see movies with your friends, make sure you have work/life
balance, quit that abusive job and find a healthier one where you are respected and valued and
heard, and last but certainly not least, make time to remember who you were BEFORE the
abuser marched in and turned your life upside down! Also, massive spoiler alert: All of these
suggestions are all really self-care. All of these suggestions are planting seeds for your growth
and your happiness and really for your future.

11-21-2021 Friend Frienemy Or Foe

11-21-2021 Friend Frienemy Or Foe

In this episode of We Need To Talk With Kris Godinez Kris discusses what true friends are and how they behave, how frienemies behave and how foes behave and how to let them go!



In this episode of We Need To Talk With Kris Godinez, Kris talks about when a parent is the enabler to the abuser, why they do it, what to do and how to heal after getting away.

Saying “No” is necessary

Saying “No” is necessary

Many abuse survivors have an incredibly hard time saying “No”. Why? Because either because of our family of origin or because of spending years with an abusive romantic partner or spending years in an abusive work environment we have learned that the word “no” equals...