SAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder, Your Mood and You!

We are coming into fall. For some of us it is a relief, looking forward to cooler temperatures and everything…...
September 3, 2022

We are coming into fall. For some of us it is a relief, looking forward to cooler temperatures and
everything pumpkin. For others it is looked at with a slight dread. Millions of people have
Seasonal Affective Disorder. When the direct sunlight goes away and the shorter days come, so
too arrives depression. Sufferers of the disorder feel sad, depressed, blah, hopeless with no
particular rhyme or reason, except for the lack of sun. Abusers often belittle or make fun of
S.A.D. sufferers and tell them it isn’t real. I’m here to tell you it is a real disorder. Often,
survivors of abuse not only have S.A.D. but they also have autoimmune issues or depression
with no obvious cause. If you feel you are suffering from S.A.D. go get a full spectrum light and
work with your Doctor about how long morning and evening to sit in front of it. Also, fall is the
perfect time to get your physical done. Mood is controlled by several different systems in our
bodies. Get all of the following checked: your thyroid, your liver, your kidneys, your hormones.
Look into seeing a naturopath for your gut health. All of these systems affect our mood. If one
of them is wonky, you are going to feel off with your mood. Abusers are notorious for having
the attitude of “Well, I don’t have that problem, so it can’t be real!” Don’t listen to them! Listen
to you! You know you better than anyone else in the world! Also, if you find yourself with a
doctor who appears to brushing you off or not taking you seriously…FIRE THEM! Just because
they are a “Doctor” doesn’t mean they are good or that they aren’t a narcissist. Trust your gut
and go get a second opinion! Trust Yourself!

The Drama Triangle

The Drama Triangle

Abusers need chaos and drama the way the rest of us need air. Drama is how they feed their insatiable need for ego supply. Remember, speak well of them or speak ill of them, they don’t care… as long as you speak OF them. Abusers create an unending supply of chaos and...

05-15-2022 Mini Me The Golden One

05-15-2022 Mini Me The Golden One

In this episode of We Need To Talk With Kris Godinez, Kris discusses family roles, specifically, the golden child. Why the abuser needs the roles and how those roles affect the family members.