We Need To Talk with Kris Godinez
Listen to the podcast of the YouTube show
07-30-2023 What You Need To Know About Court
The court system is a whole culture unto itself! It has its own language and customs and procedures, and if you do not understand how the system works, that could hurt you in your divorce case. Kris breaks down what questions to ask when hiring an attorney all the way...

07-23-2023 Bad Behavior in Parenting
Have you ever had your parent’s voice come flying out of your mouth? Nine times out of ten that happened when you were stressed out, and it was a knee-jerk reaction. What can you do when that happens? Are you aware of all of the bad parenting that your dysfunctional...

07-16-2023 Healthy Family, Friends, Partners
For many of us that came out of families of origin that were toxic, we truly do not know what healthy looks like. So what behaviors are healthy? What should we be looking for in family, friends, partners, or even co-workers? What does healthy actually look like? In...

07-09-2023 A Case of Nerves
When a person comes out of an abusive relationship, they almost inevitably have anxiety. When a person is stressed out and at survival the amygdala enlarges and the anxiety increases. The good news is that with mindfulness, the amygdala shrinks. In this episode of We...

07-02-2023 When People Do Nothing
Have you ever wondered why the other parent did not protect you? Have you wondered why people just allow abuse to occur? What gets in the way of people acting to protect? These and many more questions will be answered in this week's episode of We Need To Talk With...

06-25-2023 Dependent Personality
Have you ever wondered why some people just cannot make a decision without asking everyone and anyone? What causes a person not to trust their own judgment? Have you ever met someone who just wanted to be taken care of to the point of clinginess? That would be someone...

06-18-2023 Why Smear?
When a breakup with an abuser happens, have you ever wondered why they suddenly go on a rampage trying to discredit their former target of abuse? What does an abuser get out of such egregious behavior? Why do people believe them? What is a flying monkey anyway? These...

06-11-2023 Our Relationship With Food
Did you know that most survivors of abuse, either by the family of origin or by a significant other, have eating disorders or issues with food? Yeah! Yet another lovely side effect of abuse. Survivors of abuse are more likely to have anorexia, bulimia, binge/purge, or...

06-04-2023 Why They Crush Dreams
Have you ever had someone either pooh, poo, or dismiss or actively destroy your dreams? Have you ever wondered what would possess someone to do such a heinous thing? What drives an abuser to stop their target of abuse from reaching their potential or from doing what...

Throwback Thursday: 12-05-2021 Dissociation, Unreality, and Avoidance
TRANSCRIPT Kris Godinez 00:02 Hello and welcome to We Need To Talk with Kris Godinez podcast. I'm your host Kris Godinez, licensed professional counselor. I help people get out of, and stay out of, toxic relationships. This podcast is for informational and...

Throwback Thursday: 12-12-2021 How To Stand Up For Yourself
TRANSCRIPT Kris Godinez 00:02 Hello and welcome to We Need To Talk with Kris Godinez podcast. I'm your host Kris Godinez, licensed professional counselor. I help people get out of, and stay out of, toxic relationships. This podcast is for informational and...

05-14-2023 Anything You Say WILL Be Used Against You!
When we have been unjustly accused of doing things we didn’t do, the desire to clear the air is strong. Now, if you were dealing with healthy people, clearing the air would be the right thing to do. You aren’t dealing with healthy people. Narcissists, Dark Triads, and...

Throwback Thursday: 10-03-2021 DEPENDENT VS CODEPENDENT
TRANSCRIPT Kris Godinez 00:02 Hello and welcome to We Need To Talk with Kris Godinez podcast. I'm your host Kris Godinez, licensed professional counselor. I help people get out of, and stay out of, toxic relationships. This podcast is for informational and...

04-23-2023 Write It Out
CBT works with mistaken thoughts and mistaken beliefs. One way to process said mistaken thoughts and beliefs is to JOURNAL! You probably didn’t like that suggestion and you are probably wondering why I and so many therapists recommend it. Well, it all has to do with...

04-16-2023 All The Lies
Have you ever wondered why abusers seem to lie all the time, about, well, everything? I’m sure you’ve heard the term “pathological” liar. Did you know that personality-disordered abusers lie upwards of 20 plus times a day, compared to non-personality-disordered...