by Kris Godinez | Podcast
CBT works with mistaken thoughts and mistaken beliefs. One way to process said mistaken thoughts and beliefs is to JOURNAL! You probably didn’t like that suggestion and you are probably wondering why I and so many therapists recommend it. Well, it all has to do with...
by Kris Godinez | Gaslighting, Podcast
Have you ever wondered why abusers seem to lie all the time, about, well, everything? I’m sure you’ve heard the term “pathological” liar. Did you know that personality-disordered abusers lie upwards of 20 plus times a day, compared to non-personality-disordered...
by Kris Godinez | Podcast
Do abusers use the “self-harm” card to control and manipulate? How do you tell the difference between a real self-harm threat and one that is about manipulation? Do you have a working knowledge of the way abusers use verbal abuse and derail discussions about their...
by Kris Godinez | Podcast
coercive control, abuser, abuse, partner, narcissist, person, control, absolutely, people, hoovering, child, target, therapist, friends, relationship, accuse, narcissistic, contact, boundaries, healthy What is coercive control? How do abusers make their targets do...
by Kris Godinez | Podcast
What is the definition of a toxic mother? What causes women to turn on their own children? What does that kind of physical/verbal/emotional abuse do to a child and how does that affect adult children of toxic mothers? Toxic mothers can present one way to the “public”...