by John Godinez | Gaslighting, Love bombing, Narcissistic Personality Discorder
Ah, November! The air is crisp, the holidays are coming up and you are a bundle of anxiety over how to keep your sanity with your family or ex, or both. Abusers are notorious for ruining the holidays! It doesn’t matter what holiday. Thanksgiving? They’ll ruin it!...
by John Godinez | Gaslighting, Love bombing, Narcissistic Personality Discorder
Most people think the scariest thing about October is Halloween. In reality October is scary because it is the beginning of the hoover season. Between now and right after Valentine’s Day is when the emotional vampires attempt to feed. Abusers need constant...
by John Godinez | Growth, Isolation, Self-Care
We are coming into fall. For some of us it is a relief, looking forward to cooler temperatures and everything pumpkin. For others it is looked at with a slight dread. Millions of people have Seasonal Affective Disorder. When the direct sunlight goes away and the...
by John Godinez | Gaslighting
A lot of survivors of abuse often get pressured from either the abuser themselves or flying monkeys to “forgive” them. Ahem. In short, no! You do not have to “forgive” your abuser. What an abuser means by forgiving them is they want you to “forgive AND forget”...