by Kris Godinez | Growth, Self-Care
“Why do I procrastinate so much? What is wrong with me?” That is a question that I get asked a lot. Hello, and welcome to yet another trauma response we all have coming out of abusive relationships. Short answer? Procrastinating is a maladaptive way of having control....
by John Godinez | Growth, Isolation, Self-Care
We are coming into fall. For some of us it is a relief, looking forward to cooler temperatures and everything pumpkin. For others it is looked at with a slight dread. Millions of people have Seasonal Affective Disorder. When the direct sunlight goes away and the...
by Kris Godinez | Growth, Self-Care
Happy Spring! Now is the time to plant those seeds of your growth and water them! What do I mean? I mean, now is the perfect time to; write and burn goodbye letters to your abuser, get all of the books I have recommended over the years and start reading/working them,...